2. More number games

Make 20

For this game you need to write out numbers 0 to 20 on a piece of paper. Make them big enough to put counters or coins on.

  • Take turns. Roll a dice. Put a coin on the number that goes with the dice number to make 20, e.g. throw a ‘4’ and put a coin on 16.
  • If someone else's counter is there already, replace it with yours!
  • The first person to have counters on 6 different numbers wins.
  • Now roll two dice, add the numbers together and look for a number to make 20.


The first with coins on 10 different numbers wins.


Board games

For these games you need to sketch a board like this.



Notice how the numbers are arranged.


  • Start on 1. Toss a coin. If it lands heads, move 1 place along. If it lands tails, add 10, saying the total correctly before moving.


First person to reach the bottom row wins.


  • Start anywhere on the board. Roll a dice. Even numbers move you forwards and odd numbers move you backwards. If you land on a multiple of five, you can move either 10 forwards or 10 backwards.


The first person to reach either the top or bottom of the board wins.


Up and down the scales

  • Select some packets from your kitchen cupboards.
  • Guess/estimate the weight of each one.
  • Then weigh them.
  • Record each weight, then write all the weights in order.


Can you find extra things to weigh that fit between the items on your original list?


Bean race

You need two dice and a pile of dried beans.

  • Take turns to roll the two dice.
  • Double or multiply the two numbers and call out the answer.
  • If you are right, you win a bean.


The first to get 10 beans wins.


Paint the Squares (we have used this in class a lot)

Paint the Squares Number Charts is an interactive way to explore number patterns such as odd and even numbers, counting in multiples from times tables and ten more and ten less.