Early Mark Making
- Mark-making is not just about early writing; it is a sensory and physical experience which can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities.
- As well as early writing, mark-making can develop into mathematical representation and creative expression.
- Mark-making in all forms needs to be valued, encouraged and discussed.
- Depending on how you undertake mark-making you can contribute to all the areas of learning and development.
Source (https://www.pacey.org.uk/mark-making/)
Nursery Rhymes
Nursery rhymes provide bite-sized learning opportunities for young children to develop key developmental skills and can often be the trigger for hours of creative and open-ended play. They are a powerful learning source in early literacy and enable children to become interested in the rhythm and patterns of language. (Pacey)
Sharing books and stories with children helps their learning, development, language and communication. Reading to your child every day gives them the best start to life. Reading books or telling stories is a time when you can be together. Children learn so much from sharing books with adults. Not only are they learning vital skills for later reading and writing, but sharing books also helps with talking, listening, and communication skills, as well as encouraging imagination, curiosity, and arousing emotions.
Sharing a book will not only give your child the opportunity to hear words spoken, either through poetry and rhyme, story or non-fiction, but it will encourage communication as you talk about what’s happening in the book. (Pacey)