Avoiding Disagreements and Conflict Resolution

Children and parent(s)/ carer(s) or young people will be involved in writing their IDP. Working in this way will provide opportunities to discuss concerns and enable issues to be addressed and settled at an early stage.

From time to time, disagreements can arise. The new ALN system and IDP process and the duty on schools and local authorities to consider the views, wishes and feelings of the child, parents or young person is intended to help overcome many disagreements.   It is essential that problems are dealt with as quickly as possible and for children, parent(s)/carer(s), and young people to have access to impartial information advice and support.


Avoiding disagreements and earlier dispute resolution

You can also access independent impartial advice and information through SNAP Cymru, who are an independent advocacy service for children and young people with SEN and ALN. SNAP Cymru on 0808 801 0608 or email: DRS@snapcymru.org or for referral and more information on: https://www.snapcymru.org/mediation/