5. Taking the Cat's Way Home - Chapter 5 and 6


Here are the final two chapters.

Like always you can pick and choose which you do and in what order or you can even have a go at inventing your own activities linked to the book.

Enjoy Mr B

Chapter 5

Still image for this video

Activity 1:

Read/listen to chapter 5. Try and predict what you think will happen in the last chapter. Read/listen to chapter 6, were you right?

Chapter 6

Still image for this video

Activity 2:

In Chapter 5 Andrea and Jane walk around the perimeter of their school. To help you understand the meaning of 'perimeter' check out the BBC Bitesize website page explaining perimeters.


We are now going to measure the perimeter of our school. You already know how to use Google Maps to find Llanishen Fach using the postcode CF14 6SS. Open Google Maps and find our school.


Right click on the map where the school gates are and choose ‘measure distance’ (sadly this might not work on all devices). Next click your way around the perimeter until you get back to the start.


What is the perimeter distance?

Activity 3:

While you are Google Maps, search your postcode for your house. Choose the ‘satellite’ view.


This is what birds see, thought Jane.


Zoom in and see if you can see your house and garden.



Now have a good nose around your neighbour’s gardens. Are they bigger/smaller than yours?

Activity 4:

On page 42 we hear how Jane and Andrea pass an apple tree.



Take a look at the Woodland Trust website, they have lots of information about trees that grow in the UK including information about apples. Get an adult to help you download the free tree identification app from the Woodland Trust.


Now see if your family fancy a walk, take the app with you and see if you can identify any trees.

(It might be a bit trickier at this time of the year with no leaves on the trees.)

Activity 5:

Walking along the top of the wall is a bit like walking through a maze. Check out this website below on how to draw a simple maze.



Have a go at drawing your own maze. If you have Lego or other building blocks, try building a maze in 3D.

Activity 6:

Extended writing: Write a final chapter for the story starting: 


‘The next morning started like every other…’

Activity 7:

Ask someone in your family to work with you on an improvised conversation between two characters from the story.


Think about what has happened to your characters and how it might make them feel. If you are feeling brave, video it to watch together afterwards.