Kindness Matters - Mental Health Foundation - Mental Health Awareness Week 2020
Action for Happiness Monthly Calander
Website links
ELSA support 1 Helping children to manage their feelings during this uncertain time.
ELSA support 2 A story to help children who are struggling with being at home all of the time.
ELSA support 3 A story to help children understand the importance of social distancing.
ELSA support 4 A story to help children understand why their school is closed.
ELSA support 5 A story to help children understand Coronavirus.
ELSA support 6 A resource to supplement the Coronavirus story.
ELSA support 7 Mindfulness and wellbeing activities to do at home.
Relax Kids Activities and exercises to help families come together and feel safe and calm in these strange and unsettling times.
Common Sense Media Support your child to understand the COVID-19 news coverage. Advice on how to stay calm for yourself and your kids.
Go Noodle Hundreds of ‘brainercise’, dancing, strength and mindfulness videos – as well as videos that are ‘just for fun’.
BBC Supermovers Interactive videos to keep children active while they learn.
BBC Newsround Keeping children up to date with the world news around them, creating opportunities to talk about the news with children.
Coronavirus - A Book for Children This is a FREE digital information book for primary school age children to help explain the coronavirus and the measures taken to control it. It answers lots of questions in a child-friendly way
Insight Timer Guided meditations, stories, sleep meditations, music and staying at home activities
Head Space for Kids Guided meditations, stories, sleep meditations, music and staying at home activities
Calm Guided meditations, stories, sleep meditations, music and staying at home activities
Cosmic Kids Yoga, mindfulness, dance and stories
Mental Health during Covid-19 Coronavirus: How to protect your mental health
Reading links